Mazvita Chakawa: AAI Member Stories

Mazvita Chakawa

Mazvita Chakawa, a researcher from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, focuses on understanding the role of IL-22 binding protein in macrophage function during lung injury. Chakawa’s research explores the immune responses associated with lung injury, whether triggered by viruses, chemicals, or environmental toxins. Chakawa’s work examines IL-22 binding protein, traditionally known for inhibiting or regulating IL-22, but now being identified as playing a novel role in enhancing phagocytic activity during lung injury. Chakawa envisions her research making a significant contribution to healthcare by demonstrating the essential role of IL-22 binding protein in macrophage function. If its importance is confirmed, this protein could potentially serve as a therapeutic agent for individuals suffering from lung injuries.

Unexpected Findings

Throughout her research, Mazvita Chakawa has encountered many unexpected findings. Initially, she aimed to eliminate macrophages in mice to reduce excessive IL-22 signaling. However, Chakawa discovered that macrophages could not be successfully eliminated in IL-22 binding protein knockout mice. This unexpected result led to further investigation, revealing that the absence of IL-22 binding protein impaired macrophage function. These macrophages struggled to recognize and engulf a drug designed to eliminate them, highlighting a previously unknown defect associated with the loss of this protein. This reinforced the idea that unexpected results in science often lead to valuable discoveries.

AAI Annual Meeting

On the topic of the AAI Annual Meeting, Chakawa spoke positively about the inclusive environment, which provided accommodation such as a nursing mothers’ room and daycare facilities. She also appreciated the diverse attendance and the chance to meet researchers from countries such as Canada and Ethiopia.

For students considering or currently pursuing a career in immunology, Chakawa encourages persistence and curiosity. She highlights immunology as a broad yet interconnected field, where different aspects continuously overlap and reinforce one another. Even when challenges arise, understanding these connections can help navigate the complexities of the discipline. She describes immunology as a dynamic and exciting field, urging aspiring researchers to continue exploring and asking questions.

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